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The study of antiques and collectibles can be used as a way of looking into the past and they can give an historical account of the people who lived in a particular era. The study of antiquity can tell what the people were thinking, how they lived, what they ate, their lifestyles, what they wore and the fashions of the period, what they did for a living, their talents, and how they perceived themselves. By studying artifacts and other things of the past, you can learn a great deal about ancient peoples and how the way they lived affects us today.

Many examples of art, fine jewelry, gold, silver, copper, iron, and other metallic objects, pottery, metal works, items of clothing and shoes, masonry, wood works, and carpentry have been uncovered around the world, much of it dating back for thousands of years.

When most people think of antiquity, they think of Egypt and the pyramids. But humankind dates back well before the pyramids and many scholars believe that there may have been pyramids built even before those of ancient Egypt, but not on such a grand scale.

Many objects of antiquity have been collected over the years by museums and private collectors around the world. Museums proudly display such ancient works, yet, much has still not been recovered or even seen by modern man.

Throughout history, art and drawings, writings, carvings and sculptures, buildings and other objects made by human hands have littered the earths landscape and a thousand years from now, what we see today as being modern and up to date, will be considered antique by those of that period.

Art, in particular, has been the cornerstone of the market for antiques and collectibles. Antique art is sold and auctioned off in such high dollar figures today that it almost seems unreal. Those who can afford those prices are the super wealthy or wealthy partnerships, corporations, and investment groups.

In more recent history, collecting antiques and collectibles have become more mainstream in nature, and many people are holding on to what is valuable in their households and passing items of value down to their children and future generations.

With more people becoming educated about the value of antiques and collectibles, what they have in hand becomes more valuable to them and they strive harder to hold on to it and to add more to their own antique collections.

One day, what we see as being modern will be looked on as antiquated. Antiquity is something to read about, yet, one day in the future, it will be us.