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Sports Memorabilia

Sports memorabilia collectibles are always in demand and with the ever growing popularity of sporting events like boxing, football, tennis, baseball, soccer, golf, hockey, billiards, basketball, and most other sports, memorabilia is like gold in a true collector's collection.

Even for those who are not serious collectors, memorabilia is a way to say, "I was there," or "I own a piece of history."

Programs and other items are purchased and kept for years. For example, if the person was at the Olympics, the World Series, the Super Bowl, the Kentucky Derby, or any other sporting event, he, or she, is probably going to buy souvenirs.

And it does not necessarily have to be professional sports. It could be a high school or college event or an annual local sporting event that have memorabilia for sale.

Memorabilia such as baseball cards, autographs, autographed balls, game worn jerseys and shoes, photographs, posters, books, hats, magazines, and almost anything associated with sports can inspire almost anyone to have it.

Collecting sports memorabilia isn't just for children. Adults, men, as well as women, tend to want to own something associated with the sport they like or with a particular team.

Trading cards have become the most sort after memorabilia, with rookie cards being the most valuable, especially if the rookie becomes an allstar in the future, he, or she, makes it into the hall of fame.

Although there are several trading card companies, Topps, Fleer, Upper Deck, Donruss, and a few others have become the most well known names in the business with prices that vary depending on the amount of cards and gimmicks they offer to attract buyers.

Autographed memorabilia is in high demand, but be careful that the autograph can be authenticated, especially on older issues where the signer is deceased.

Collecting sports memorabilia should be done with care because there is so much to choose from and it can become very expensive if you let your desires get out of hand. Like anything else, it can become an expensive, serious addition.

The best way to collect any type of memorabilia is to focus on one particular sport and make a list of the the items that you are want and are willing to purchase.

You should remember this. As with anything else, not all that you buy is going to be worth anything to anybody but you. In other words, not everything is going to go up in value just because you like it.