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Finding a Job

Finding a job is a necessity that is not to be taken lightly. We work to pay our bills, buy food and clothing, pay our housing expenses, save money, and if we have children, we have to take care of their needs. The question for most of us is, where do we find a good paying job that offer medical and dental benefits, retirement plans, longevity, and a chance for advancement?

Job markets are actually based on local and worldwide economic conditions such as recession and stagnation, inflation, wars, long term weather and environmental conditions, fuel availability and pricing, political stability or instability, and other issues.

Your main concern in finding the right job should be recognizing your own skills, talents and abilities. Are you preparing yourself for what lies ahead in your life and do you understand what it is going to take in order for you to succeed in today's competitive job market?

Where do you start looking for job opportunities? Your state's Employment Development Department (EDD) is the best place to start. If you have been laid off, just gotten out of the military, or if you are new to the job market, your local EDD provides a list of jobs that list the qualifications that you will need on your resume.

And newspapers and magazines run advertisements by companies that need certain positions filled. You can find help wanted ads in the local daily and/or weekly papers. The internet provides a wide variety of sites and options for tracking employment opportunities.

In most high schools, colleges, universities, and technical schools, a job placement center is located on campus and you can use the resources, even if you are no longer enrolled at the school or if you have already graduated and moved on.

There are government and private firms that fill employment positions for companies that are looking for people with specific skills and talents. County, city, state, and federal agencies post ads at specified locations on bulletin boards and flyers. You can call information or use your telephone directory to locate the specific agency that you are looking for.

Two of the most important ways of finding a job is by word of mouth and networking. People who already work at companies usually know when a position is being offered so it helps to have a friend or relative who already works there. They can let you know if a position comes available.

Another good way of landing employment is to visit companies in person, ask for employment applications, and fill them out while you are there and always have copies of your resume with you.

Looking for a job does not have to be a traumatic experience, but it can be. Some people cannot stand rejection and become discouraged when they don't get hired right away.

The key to finding a good job is being persistent. Keep looking for that right position, even if you have to take a job that you don't want. Once the economy gets better and companies gear up for maximum production, hiring will start again in earnest. Then you may be able to pick and chose employment opportunities.