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Job Interviews

The job interview is probably one of the most stressful situations you are probably going to encounter. But if you plan ahead and practice for interviews, you can eliminate a lot of the stress.

The human resources department for most companies have one single interviewer to take you through the interview process. But in some companies, you may have to go through a process that requires you to be interviewed by several people.

The job of the interviewer is not to scare you or to make you feel uncomfortable. His job is to ask questions that are designed to get you to respond in a way that will help him determine if you are the right person for the job that is being offered.

The interviewer understands quite well that most people get nervous when being interviewed so they try to make it as painless as possible.

They try to look beyond your nervousness to see what you may have to offer if you are hired by the company.

Actually, there is nothing wrong with being a little uncomfortable because nervousness is a part of human nature. The interviewer will try to make your interview as pleasant as possible.

There are some things that you can do to minimize the effects of stress leading up to the interview. Remember, the first impression is a lasting impression so dress for success.

Oftentimes, dressing in a nice, professional manner will help you feel good about yourself, which in turn, will show during the interview.

Before going on interviews, get some help from someone who is willing to role play with you.

Role playing helps with confidence. It puts you in the position of answering questions that may be asked, getting critiqued by someone you know, and it gives you a chance to critique yourself.

Practice breathing techniques and always think about the question before you answer it.

Be prepared to answer questions about yourself. What are your plans for the future? Did you go to a college, university, or technical school?

Do you have military experience? If so, were you in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, or the Coast Guard and what was your rank and skill level.

What prompted you to apply for employment at this company? Are you willing to work days, nights, weekends, and are you prepared to work long hours?

Arrive a little earlier than the appointed time for the interview. Never be late if you can help it!

Being late for an interview suggests that you may have problems showing up for work on time if you are hired.

If you are going to be late, it is imperative that you call and let the interviewer know it and try to be as honest as you can with your excuse.

Most of the time the interviewer will understand if you have a legitimate excuse for being late but being late for an interview is the best way not to get hired.

Greet the interviewer with a nice smile and a firm, but not too firm, handshake while saying "hi" or "hello, I'm" and then giving him your first and last name. And always make and keep eye contact. Remember, that first impression really does count!

Do not sit until you are asked to have a seat. Sit with your feet on the floor with your back straight and try to relax, but don't get too relaxed.

When asked questions, be direct and give upbeat answers. Try not to give answers with negative connotations and don't give personal opinions, unless you're asked to do so.

Don't try to impress the interviewer with your ability to think fast on your feet. That doesn't always work.

While going through the interview process, you will be allowed to asked questions about the company.

This will be your opportunity to ask about the benefits offered such as retirement plans, 401k plans, stocks and bonds, the scale of pay, and if there are bonuses and other perks.

Ask about the number of employees the company has, the potential for advancement, how much vacation and sick time is given, if there is a credit union, and what medical and dental plans the company offers.

The job interview is the way a company can determine if you are right for it and it also gives you a way of determining if the company is right for you.