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Keep Looking For Employment

There are a lot of people who have suddenly found themselves out of work and in a state of limbo, looking to find work in a job market that has suddenly become dry with unemployment figures higher than they've been in years.

If you have a job right now, keep it. If you are unemployed and you are planning on trying to get a job, you should start looking right away because, as you will see, jobs are scarce and the prospects of a growing job market are getting dimmer with each passing day.

Many companies are feeling the strain of the shrinking economy and are beginning to downsize by cutting back on the production of goods and services, thereby having to lay off some of their employees. Other companies that are still profitable, and not laying off right now, are waiting to see what is going to happen with the economy before they start hiring again.

Even the biggest employers are scaling back their workforce. Thousands of people are being laid off, and with the addition of recent high school and college graduates looking for work, employment opportunities are being gobbled up as fast as they become available.

•According to employers, hundreds of resumes are sometimes submitted for a single job opening.
With every passing day, government agencies that keep tabs on unemployment figures report statistics showing that the economy is getting worse and joblessness is increasing at a faster pace due to business failures, stores going out of business, decreased spending on goods and services, bankruptcy filings, company restructuring, and the overall solemn mood of the general public.

This is bad news for those who are already unemployed, and for many who still have a job, the news is discomforting because they don't know whether they will soon be out of a job, too.

If you are unemployed, the best thing to do is to keep looking for any available employment. There are jobs out there but according to many employers, there may be hundreds of resumes submitted for a single job.

Hopefully, the economy won't get too much worse off than what it is right now. You have to stay positive and, like many people all over the country are finding out, you may have to take any work that you can find.

It may be a while, maybe a year or two or longer, before the economy begins to pick up steam again and you can't afford to wait that long to go back to work. That is why you need to start looking for a job right now and keep looking until you find meaningful employment.