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Low Interest Credit Cards

How to get a Low Interest Credit Card

The best way to find a low interest credit card is to shop around. Since there are many companies offering so many cards, they have to be incredibly competitive to get your business. If you currently have a credit card, you can lower it's interest rate by calling the issuer and asking for a lower rate. If they refuse to give you a lower rate, threaten to transfer the balance to another card if they do not lower your rate.

The Importance of Low Interest Credit Cards

Low interest credit cards are important when you think you might carry a balance. The lower the interest rate, the lower the amount of interest will accrue on your account. If you do expect pay the entire balance when you receive your bill, there is no need to worry about getting a low interest rate. However, if you are unable to pay the entire balance, a low interest rate is essential.

Low Introductory Interest Rates

Low introductory interest rates are designed to give you an incentive to sign up for the credit card. When applying for a credit card with a low introductory interest rate, be sure to read the fine print. Some credit cards will have a very high (17 to 20%) interest rate after the introductory period ends.

Some cards with low introductory interest rates will charge a balance transfer fee. This is important if you plan to take advantage of the low interest rate and transfer debts from high interest cards to the low interest card.

Credit cards with a low introductory interest rate migh also have a high APR for cash advances