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Money Management Tips

There are many financial planners and thinkers, individuals, and companies who offer good money management tips to help you save your hard earned money. They give great advice for saving money on everyday living expenses and other costs. Most money saving tips are usually good, sound, bits of advice that are practical and easy to follow.

Listed below are some simple money management tips that can help you save money.

•Buy a notebook and keep records of how much you spend and what you buy, and then ask yourself if those items were necessary for your everyday existence.

•Plan and follow a strict monthly budget by determining how much you will need to live on, including paying your bills and keeping some spending money for yourself.

•If you keep your car outside protect your vehicle and save money on maintenance with your choice of car covers.

•Make a list of what your most important expenditures are, putting your home or apartment at the top of the list because having a place to live is more important than anything else. If you have a car note, and need it for transportation to and from work, that may be second on the list, then food, and so on and so on.

•Curtail all unnecessary spending, like going to games and other sporting events. It's fine to go to sporting events, but they can become expensive, so either stop going so much, or stop going altogether.

•Give up expensive hobbies. You know what hobbies are draining your bank account.

•Stop buying the latest computer and video games and other electronic gadgets.

•Drinking and smoking are expensive habits that need to be curtailed anyway because they are costly and have negative health effects.

•Many people gamble and don't know it. Stop playing the lottery, playing bingo, and making bets on sporting events.

•Pay your utility bills on time and avoid late charges, penalties, and reconnect costs.

•One of the most expensive, unnecessary cost to you is a bounced check. Don't write checks if there is insufficient funds in your account to cover them.

•Make a goal to pay off nagging credit card bills. Credit card debt is continuing to put many people in a position of financial insolvency and bankruptcy.

•Open a savings account and start saving, even if it is only $25 dollars per month.

•Use store layaway plans to purchase clothes and other items instead of using credit cards.

•Use available resources, such as coupons and sales. You can find many coupons in newspapers, magazines, and they can be printed off the internet.

•Reduce energy consumption by turning off the television, lights, and other appliances when you leave a room.

•Buy energy saving devices and use them whenever possible.

•Check your utility, cable or satellite, telephone, and other bills for services that you are being charged for and do not use, then have the utility company take the service off your bill.

•When buying a car, think about gas mileage and follow gas saving tips like keeping the car tuned up, checking the air pressure in the tires and taking unneeded weighty objects out of the trunk.

There are many money management tips that you can use to free yourself from financial burdens. It doesn't matter whether the savings are just a few dollars, or large sums of money, in a climate of economic uncertainty and constant lifestyle changes, every dollar saved puts you one more step ahead of your creditors and on a road to good financial health.