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Question: What is networking?

Answer: Networking is a process by which people meet informally to discuss and exchange ideas, gather and pass on useful information about specific agendas and endeavors, and to meet face to face with others who may be able to help them in one way or another.

Question: What can the average person gain by networking?

Answer: Networking can be important for almost any reason, whether it be for business opportunities, fun and games, social agendas, or for any reason that contact with other people might cause a benefit.

Question: Who are those who network?

Answer: We all network in one way or another. Doctors, teachers, computer programmers, politicians, bankers, realtors, car salesmen, corporate executives, small business owners, lawyers, chefs, pilots, antique dealers, farmers, police officers, etc., all network.

Question: If I own a business, should I network with people that I consider my competition?

Answer: Definitely. You should network with the competition and learn from their mistakes and their successes. Most successful entrepreneurs don't mind sharing information, as long as it does not compromise the integrity of their business.

Question: Is networking good when looking for a job?

Answer: Many jobs are not even advertised by companies looking to fill positions and the only way you will hear about them is by talking to people. Thus, networking is a very good way to learn about employment opportunities.

Question: Where do net workers normally meet?

Answer: Networkers meet almost anywhere. Meetings may be meetings held in dorm rooms, homes, restaurants, coffee houses, meeting halls, auditoriums, and even parks and other public or private places.

Question: Can I network without going to meetings?

Answer: Networking can be accomplished by email, telephone conversations, and by regular mail.

Question: How do you network by mail?

Answer: You can start a mailing list that include relatives, personal friends, church members, neighbors, co-workers, and others. This form of networking takes time and stamps, but it can be effective.

Question: How can I become involved with networking groups.

Answer: If you feel that you want to become involved with other individuals or organizations who meet on a regular basis, you may want to do a little research and find out if there are networking groups in your area who get together for reasons that interest you.