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Late Payments And How Long It Stay In Your File.

Payment Information on Credit Reports

Credit is your reputation for repaying debts on time.

Positive information stays on your credit report forever. Negative information stays on your credit report for 7 to 10 years from the original delinquency date. After 7 to 10 years, negative information is automatically deleted by the credit reporting agencies.

Type of Information and How Long it stays in your file.

Bankruptcy - 10 years

Late payments - 7 years

Accounts sent to collections - 7 years

Other Negative Information - 7 years

Lawsuits or Unpaid Judgments - 7 years or more

Information in response to a job application where the salary is over $75,000 - Indefinitely

Information reported because of a credit or life insurance application for over $150,000 - Indefinitely