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Stop Spending Money That You Don’t Have

No one enjoys feeling broke when other people around them, especially friends or associates, are spending freely. But in reality, it may be time for you to stop spending money that you don't have and start saving for the future.

Today, most of us are up to our eyeballs in unnecessary debt and we can't see an end to it. And our spending habits are getting worse. It is a simple fact that if you spend money that you don’t have today, your financial picture will look even grimmer in the future.

Don't feel that you have to spend your money because other people are spending freely. That is called "keeping up with the Jones." If your friends want you around just because of the money you spend, maybe you need new friends.

For some people, spending is really an addiction. It is too hard for them to control their spending on unnecessary things, even when they know that the money is needed for something more important or the money they are spending is actually not there at all.

Only you should have control over what is in your pocketbook or your bank account and what you spend your money on. Starting today, reel in all excessive spending.

You should accurately assess how much money you earn and then make adjustments starting at that point. In order to stop spending money you don’t have, you have to make a list of priorities?

Look at what you pay out in bills, this includes credit cards, mortgage payments, rent, car notes, utilities, and any other bills that you might have. Based on when each of your bills are due, you should figure out how much money you have from your paychecks to set aside to pay them.

Always think in terms of when your pay periods are and not when your creditors expect their money. Take the time to devise a sensible financial plan for yourself, but leave some room for flexibility.

In terms of spending, it is important to identify what your areas of weaknesses are and then get serious about changing them. To stop spending money needlessly, you have look for opportunities to save money or spend less money.

For example:

1.Take your lunch to work with you instead of buying lunch every day. If you work 20 days each month and you spend $10.00 for lunch each day, you save approximately $200.00 per month.

2.To save gas, walk or ride a bike if you are going short distances from your home.

3.Buy food and other household items in bulk and use coupons whenever possible.

4.By installing energy saving devices at your home or apartment, you save on utility bills.

5.Use credit cards as a last resort.

6.If you don't have a savings account, start one. If you already have one, try to make regular deposits and resist making withdrawals.
There are many other ways to stop spending unnecessarily, but you have to become aware of them and then put your priorities in order.