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Student Credit Cards

Having a student credit card while still living at home or attending school away from home can be an advantage. It gives the student the opportunity to establish credit at an early age and to start asserting their independence. It comes in handy in case of an emergency, it is less trouble and safer to carry a student credit card than to carry cash.

Parents find student credit cards to be very convenient. They are able to make deposits to their children's account while they are away from home. Students should be careful with their credit card receipts to avoid identity theft.

If you consistently pay your bills on time, obtaining students credit cards is a good way to established credit rating and start building a good credit history while in school. Establishing and maintaining a good credit rating will make it easy to purchase a car, a home or obtaining a personal loan in the future.

For students who are not committed to their financial obligation, getting a student credit card is not a good idea. Running up balances, finding yourself in debt, unable to make monthly payments will destroy your credit rating.

Student's credit cards generally have high interest rates. Online credit card approval with online credit card application is fast and easy!