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Trading Millionaires in 14 days

Back in the 1980s trading legend Richard Dennis decided to show that anyone could trade successfully with the right mindset and education. So he gathered a group of traders together and the only thing they had in common was - no prior trading experience.

He then set about teaching them to trade and after 14 days gave them trading accounts.

The result is well known this group nicknamed "the turtles" went on to make $100 million in profits in just 4 years and went down in history as trading legends.

So what can you learn from this story?

There is much to learn and the first point you're probably thinking is, how come if anyone can learn to trade do 95% of traders fail?

The answer is anyone can learn - but most people don't get the right knowledge or the right mindset.

First how many new forex traders buy junk systems of vendors with simulated track records and think their going to get rich?

The majority, they think someone can make them rich but a wipe out of equity soon gives them a reality check.

Dennis knew that his students couldn't just follow him (and he had a good system) so he taught them a system and everything about it. He made sure they knew how it worked, why it worked and why it would continue to work.

They obtained confidence and that's what you need in forex trading because you are going to hit a losing period maybe of weeks, or even months ( forget about all the people who say you can make a profit each month and trade with 90% accuracy its lies) and you have to maintain discipline to ride it out.

Most traders even with good systems cant sit on losses and hold discipline this is the hard part of trading and you need to do it but this comes from knowledge and confidence in what your doing - that's why you have to do it on your own.

Dennis proved that anyone could do it and ok, you might not become as rich as the group he taught but there is nothing to stop you enjoying currency trading success if you approach it with the right mindset.

Trading millionaires emerge every day and there not whiz kids like many people believe many are just regular guys and girls who have had the confidence to step out on their own and take responsibility for their financial destiny and you could to.