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What To Consider When Building Your Own House

Building your own house is a significant project management undertaking. Completing the house on a time schedule, according to cost specifications and quality requirements requires careful and dedicated evaluation, planning and execution. If you are considering building your own house, it is essential to do the necessary research to come to an understanding of the key components that comprise the construction of the property.

The first step to take if you are considering building your own house is to determine your land requirements. The home will need to be tailored to the land dimensions. You will need to have the house plan constructed to suit block size and within the housing construction guidelines of your local area. By making enquiries through the relevant local housing authorities you will learn what you need to factor into this step. Being aware of all the building regulation requirements is very important. If you don't exercise due caution to consider this when building your own house, you can get into significant cost overruns in order to meet building inspection approval requirements.

Stages For Building Your Own House * Foundation construction, (footings and base) and floor

* External Construction: This includes building the walls, roof framing, roof cladding, external and internal walls, linings, windows, doors, cupboards, moldings, plumbing, drainage and electrical wiring and fittings.

* Doors and cabinets.

* Chattels and fixtures

* Moldings

* Plumbing and drainage

* Garden landscaping

* Carpentry

* Bricks/Weatherboard

Each of the above listed requirements for building your own home require careful budgetary planning. When you have all the stages listed you can allocate a budgetary assessment. This will involve investigating quotations for specialized labor requirements. When you determine the final build price it is wise to factor in some allowance for unanticipated costs. Research indicates that the final build price can exceed initial estimates by 20 to 30%.

Once you have the plan process organized you need to commence building your own house. This will involve executing the stages of the house construction. When specialized expertise needs to be sourced, you will need to sub contract. The majority of your time will be spent dealing with sub contracted labor and sequencing the stages for the house construction. It is important to have the right personnel complete the required job at the right time. When weather sensitive stages are completed, you need to make sure the work is protected to prevent any damage that can result.

Before you consider building your own home take the time to learn what is involved. A DIY "how to build your own house" book will provide a good foundation guideline on the homebuilding process.