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Working From Your Home

Computers and the internet has made it possible to work and conduct business from almost anywhere, and many businesses have already seen, and many more are beginning to see, the real potential in allowing employees to work from their homes instead of having them come into the office for an eight or ten hour work day.

Working from home is not for everyone and it's not possible for all businesses to allow it, but when feasible, giving an employee an opportunity to work at home can be a positive experience for both the employer and the employee.

By allowing employees to work from their homes, businesses can eliminate the need for more office space, keep overhead down to a minimum, and make it possible for workers to stay at home while earning a living. It also keeps absenteeism at a controllable rate.

Working from the home helps to keep cars off the road, thereby helping to foster a cleaner environment by reducing the amount of harmful carbon byproducts that are released into the air.

When you work out of your home, you don't have to get up as early, get dressed for work like you would when you work in an office, and then you don't have to drive, or take public transportation, to get to work. You don't have the stress of face to face interaction with bosses and co-workers, and when your work day is over, you don't have to drive home because you are already there.

Working at home offers flexibility for child care. It gives employees more time to spend with their families and it and it allows for more personal time. It also saves Working from home, aside from the gas that is saved on round trips to and from work, makes it possible for

There are also tax benefits to working at home. You will have to turn a room into a home office, which means that you can deduct normal house expenses. You can also deduct any business supplies that you may have to purchase, such as computers, software, telephone services, books, and additional insurance.

The down side to working at home is that you don't have the camaraderie of co-workers, you may feel isolated from other people, you have to be self motivated and self disciplined, tune out distractions from family members, television, and other household events, and you have to make and adhere to your own scheduling.

It takes discipline to work effectively from home, managing your work hours and your personal time and keeping the two from conflicting. You may have to keep updating your computer and other business machines to keep pace with changes at the office.

Technology has brought changes to the way work is done today, giving opportunities to people to work in a more updated format. What the future holds for the work environment is anybody's guess, but as we move into the future, the way the business world reacts to an ever changing technology can make the way we work today obsolete tomorrow