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Worried About Debt And Bad Credit?

Are you one of the millions who are worried about how you are going to pay your mortgage and other bills?

Sleepless nights, upset stomach, neck and shoulder pain, short temper, heart attack and stroke, and other ailments are common for people who worry about debt and bad credit. Debt causes many people to spend a lot of time trying to cope with their feelings of inadequacy and failure. It's a burden that can ruin lives by causing mental and physical health problems that can last far into the future.

Studies show that debt is a major cause of worry among adults, young and old, and the toll it takes is tremendous. It can have an adverse affect on relationships between family members, friends, co-workers, neighbors, and sometimes strangers can get caught up in the turmoil.

Many people worry about bankruptcy, foreclosure, repossessions, and other debt related issues. It takes a heavy toll on the mental state of millions of Americans and others around the world and is a major cause of breakdowns, both mental and physical. Many people are totally unaware that the ailments they are suffering through are due to debt and bad credit. They may not even know that they are worried or they may not recognize the symptons associated with anxiety.

Research gives a clear indication of what anxiety over debt and bad credit can do to a person’s life. It can lead to weight gain or weight loss, insomnia, heart attacks, angry outbursts, lack of concentration, and self destruction.

Worry manifests itself in physical problems that may not seem that important at first, but it can grow into a major issue. It can affect simple, everyday tasks such as walking up stairs, cleaning the house, or grocery shopping. Migraine headaches, muscle cramps, hair loss, tight jaws, nerve damage, stomach aches, diarrhea, nervousness, and many other maladies are associated with worry.

A study done by Ohio State University in 2002 showed that many people who spend time worrying about debt are less healthy than those who are debt free or have very little concerns about money or other financial problems.

Worrying over debt can take over a person’s whole world and can cloud their views and judgment on everything. Suddenly the future can look very bleak for them and it can bring up feelings of tremendous frustration and anger and can cause depression to set in.

Depression can also be accompanied by feelings of guilt and shame, which can eat away at a person’s self-esteem, leaving a feeling of misery, self hatred, and worthlessness.

•Do you lay awake at night worrying about your bills?

•Do you feel that there is no way out of your predicament?

•Do you find yourself lying about your financial stability?

•Do you feel that you never have money to do the things you want to do?

•Do you get angry because you can't pay your bills?

•Do you feel depressed and lonely?

If you answered yes to the questions listed above, you may need to seek professional help. Talk to friends and family members, your doctor, an attorney, or a financial planner. Doing nothing is the worst thing that you can do.