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Your Job Application

When you apply for a job, you will most likely fill out an application or produce a resume, or both.

What the application does is give the prospective employer an overall view of your education, work history, and information that will give them a sense of who you are and how you may be of value to the company if you are hired.

Most companies have their own job applications already printed and ready to be filled out by prospective employment seekers or they may ask you to either bring in your resume or email it.

In any case, the information employers are seeking is basically the same. Your name, physical address, email address, telephone number, social security number, emergency contacts, and references are standard on the application.

They want to know about your skills and work related talents, educational background such as high school, college or other degrees you may have, any military service, the job you desire, and whether you are a citizen or a resident alien.

If you have special skills or talents such as the ability to speak and read foreign languages, can program computers or are familiar with the use of certain software, or any other skills that the company may look positively on should be put on the application.

As with your resume, the most important prerequisite of a job application is honesty. Be honest, accurate, and detail oriented.

On every application, one question looms greater than all others is probably the most important. The question asks if you have a criminal record.

If you have a criminal record, be honest about it because most information on your application is going to be verified anyway and lies or half truths will hurt your chances of getting the job you desire or it may get you fired later.

Be prepared before you start your job search. Make a list of all the information that you are going to be required to give on the job application and take it with you.

If you go to a company to fill out an application, have names and addresses, along with the dates, of schools and colleges that you have attended.

Have your employment history available, including the names, addresses, and dates that you worked, along with the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all of your references.

Your application should be neat and always written in ink, preferably black, but blue will do.