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How Identity Theft Criminals Work

You may think that identity theft is a new phenomenon but it has been around for many years. There are stories that go back centuries about people who took on the identity of others to perpetuate criminal activity.

There are many well known true life cases of identity theft such as in the movies, The Talented Mr. Ripley and Catch Me If You Can. They are just the tip of the iceberg. There have been many, many other cases and just as law enforcement agencies are finding more sophisticated ways to crack down on such fraudulent activity, criminals are finding it just as easy to stay in business.

Stealing someone else's identity is easier than you may want to believe and it happens more often than you might think. To be safe, it is important that you learn how to protect yourself from this type of criminal activity.

One of the best things to do is learn how the criminals operate. Some of their techniques are very simple:

•Your trash can is one of the easiest places that a criminal can obtain your valuable information. You see it all the time. People digging through your garbage. You may think they are looking for things they can salvage to recycle, but they may have something else in mind. It may not sound sanitary, but digging through your garbage can be very profitable for criminals. They know that that's where you dispose of old credit cards, your credit card statements, bank statements, papers with your social security number on them, and other information about you and your family. And they don't mind the filth if it turns them a profit.

•Your mailbox is another easy target. You know your mailman's daily schedule and you expect your mail to be delivered at a certain time each day. Criminals know the mailman's schedule, too, and they know how to get into your mailbox, even if you think it is secure.

•Looking over your shoulder as you make a deposit or withdrawal at an ATM machine or at the grocery checkout counter is another way unsavory characters can get information from you without you knowing it. This is an easy way to get your name and your personal identification number (pin).

•It is easy to file a change of address form at your local post office. Criminals can divert your mail to another address. It may take a few days to realize that you are not getting your mail.

•Friends and family members are sometimes your worst enemies. It is very easy for them to steal your identity, in many cases, right before your eyes. They have access to your home, your wallet or purse, your mail, your credit cards, your social security number, your driver's license, and in many cases, your checking and savings accounts. This may sound harsh, but it's true. Most crimes are committed by people who know their victims.
You may think that identity theft is perpetuated by hardened criminals. Some of it is, but a lot of it is done by first time offenders and people who would not do something like this on a regular basis. As stated above, it could be a friend or relative who commits identity theft, simply as a crime of opportunity.

Regardless to who takes your identity and uses it to commit a crime against you, it could be a devastating event that could cost you a lot of money, peace of mind, and cause undo hardship for years to come.