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Steps To Prevent Identity Theft

To prevent someone from stealing your identity, there are several things that you can do.

(1) Check your credit report regularly and note any suspicious activity.

(2) Never give personal information over the telephone, especially your social security number.

(3) Always shred any documents such as old or expired credit cards, credit card statements, bank statements, bills, or any letters with personal information in them, making sure the account numbers are unreadable, before putting them in the trash to be discarded.

(4) Never put your personal information on the internet or on your personal computer's home page.

(5) If you become aware of any unauthorized activity on your credit cards or bank statements, contact your credit card company and or bank and file a report immediately about the problem.

(6) Report missing or stolen checks to your bank as soon as possible and if you can, change your account number. New bank ordered checks should be delivered to your bank and that is where you should pick them up.

(7) If you are not going to accept credit cards through pre-approved offers, destroy the information immediately. If you do accept a credit card, sign it as soon as possible.

(8) If at all possible, do not carry all of your credit cards in your wallet or hand bag at the same time. This will prevent a major loss of everything at once if you lose them or if someone steals them..

(9) If your wallet or purse is lost or stolen, cancel all credit cards immediately and ask the card holder to issue you new cards with different account numbers.

(10) Make sure your mail box is secure and never leave your mail in a location where it can be taken by anyone except the postman.

(11) Do not give your personal information to friends or co-workers unless it is absolutely necessary. Always remember that a friend, and sometimes a loved one, may take advantage of you quicker than others because they have your turst and that leaves you vulnerable.

(12) File away all legal documents and other important papers in a safe location.

There is no absolute way of protecting your identity, but by following these basic steps, you can make it harder for someone to possess and use information that can be detrimental to you and your credit.