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Barter is a commodity or a unit of value that is used in trade, instead of money. People bartered widely in the past when money was not readily available and bartering has become a more common practice today amongst people who don't have the funds to pay for certain goods and services, while at the same time, having something to offer that someone else has a need for.

When the economy gets bad and people start losing their jobs, have to take pay cuts, or if they can't find a job, money, or the lack of it, the subject becomes one of the most talked about issues of the day.

The economy is on everybody's minds. Any news about the economy, good or bad, is broadcast on television, radio programs, and on the internet throughout the day. The state of the economy is headline news and how we react determines, in many ways, whether or not we survive without going bankrupt.

Nowadays, we all have to tighten our belts, yet, the need for goods and services remain as high as they always have been. We still have to eat, clothe ourselves, stay mobile, and maintain a place to call home. When times get bad, our bills don't just dry up and disappear. They keep coming every month and we have to pay them or suffer the long term affects of a low credit score.

The ability to support ourselves is an intregal part of our lives. We get up and go to work everyday so we can live good and prosper. When the economy goes into a deep and long term recession, it changes the way we live. It gets hard on us psychologically when we can't maintain the standard of living that we have grown accustomed to. So we have to learn to live within our means and figure out ways to help ourselves stay financially above water.

Many people of all walks of life are bartering their time and services and they are proud of it. To hear those who barter tell it, to barter is a very smart way to save money.

When times get tough, people think of ways to do what is necessary to survive. Bartering is one of those avenues that smart people are using today. Not only can bartering save you money, it can also be an exciting way to get something that you need by giving up something that you have or a service that you can provide in return.

Bartering may have potential tax consequenses. You may be taxed as if the goods and/or services that are rendered were a money transaction, especially if you bartered for profit. It would be considered by the IRS as taxable income. If you take a loss on a bartering transaction, it may be filed on your tax return as a loss.

Bartering clubs are springing up all over the country as more and more people are starting to look at alternative ways to make ends meet. It is also a way of networking and meeting people who may be able to help you find a job, if you need one.