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Buying In Bulk

Buying products in bulk is one good way to stretch your shopping dollars and to pick up household, and office, goods in large quantities, thereby saving money and saving another trip to the store to pick up the same product at a later date.

Even though you may have to pay more at the time of purchase, you may increase the amount you buy by more than a third and in some cases, almost double the amount of product that you get for your money.

By calculating the regular prices against bulk prices, you will see that you get more for less money than what you would pay if you bought smaller quantities or smaller boxed items at regular store prices.

Overall, the savings can add up to be significant in the long run and you can save on gas and wear and tear on your car by making less frequent trips to the store.

Today, there are stores that specialize in selling in bulk at discounted prices. Costco, Sam's Club, Home Depot, Staples, Office Max, and other stores sell in bulk, thereby giving the consumer a way to actually get more for their money.

Many super market chains have bulk product isles in their stores and offer consumers the opportunity to buy in large quantities, though not offering as much in variety as the stores that specialize in bulk.

You can get almost anything in bulk from fresh produce, boxed cereals, cases of sodas and water, clothing and other fashion items, candy, health foods, canned goods, office supplies, liquors, beer, and kitchen utensils and cookware.

Just because you can afford to buy in bulk does not necessarily mean that buying in bulk is good for you. There are certain times when buying in bulk does not make financial sense, especially if you are not going to use the products that you buy right away.

Buying in bulk is good if you are having a party or big dinner for relatives and friends or if you have a large family.

•You may not need to buy in bulk if you are single or have a small family.
•Certain products are perishable and don't have a long shelf life, so make sure they are going to be used right away.
•Some items require freezing. Make sure that your freezer is up to the task. Some freezers, if not set at the correct temperature, causes freezer burn or ice buildup on meats.
•Don't buy in bulk just because the product is there. It may be a waste of your money.
Before making a bulk purchase, ask yourself if having that much of the product is necessary, or if you can live with a smaller amount. Remember, these stores are in the business to sell in bulk and they are designed to make you feel good about buying there products. You have to make the decision whether the purchase is good for you.