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Comparison Shopping

Question: What is comparison shopping?

Answer: Comparison shopping is the act of seeking out different venues, stores, super markets, discount houses, retail and wholesale stores and outlets, and other establishments, to find the best prices offered on products or produce that you, the consumer, may want to buy. Most of all, it is a way of comparing the prices of certain products that you use and the pricing policies of different stores.

Question: Is comparison shopping worth the trouble?

Answer: Comparison shopping is definitely worth the time and energy that you put into it if you are one of the millions of people who want to get the most for their money. It is a way of doing your homework before spending your hard earned money.

Question: Where do I start when comparison shopping?

Answer: You can start in your home before you even go into a store to shop. First, make a list of the items that you need to buy, whether they are groceries, electronic devices, clothes, toys, home improvement supplies, hurricane supplies, earthquake and other emergency supplies, or any other products.

If you are traveling, compare the prices of hotels, restuarants, rental cars, touring packages, cruises, and airline flights.

You can comparison shop for big ticket items as well. Compare the price of computers, cars, boats, and real estate.

Question: Where do I look for prices to compare?

Answer: Look in newspaper and magazines for coupons and products that are on sale. Check to see if the advertisers are offering manufacturer's rebates or free samples of the what you are looking for. Listen to the radio and watch television commercials for sales and the prices of products.

Talk to friends, relatives, and co-workers about prices and ask them if they know where you may find a good value.

Make it a point to go into different stores to price the same products. Look for buy one, get one free items and learn to clip and shop with coupons.

Note: You will find that some stores are almost always a little more expensive than others.

Question: How do I keep up with all of this information?

Answer: That's easy. Always keep a pencil and a small notebook with you. Write down what you hear and see. Keep records so you know when something is on sale and what the price is.

Keep a coupon organizer for your coupons and other sales clippings. A great place to keep your organizer is in the glove compartment of your car or in your hand bag so it will always be with you. Your comparisons will not benefit you if you forget them and leave it at home.

Question: Does Comparison shopping work.

Answer: Yes, it does. You will find that by comparison shopping, you will become knowlegeable, and surprised, about the prices of many products that you buy everyday and never think about the price you pay for them. You will find that you may be paying more for certain products than you would if you shopped at another store, and you will see that you will save a lot of money over time.