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Discussing Politics In The Workplace

There is a saying that politics and religion should never be a topic of discussion in the workplace. According to most experts, the topic of politics should be a left out of the workplace, no matter who brings it up for discussion.

The discussion of politics in an office setting may cause anxiety and put emotional stress and strain on certain employees, especially if that employee has strong feeling about his or her candidate.

Because of different party affiliations, and the fact that some people are uncomfortable talking about politics in the first place, there may be a feeling of harassment, especially if they are in the minority when political issues are brought up.

In fact, some people are adamant about their political sentiments. They are very opinionated, always right, and there is nothing that anyone else can say to change their political views.

They look at other political parties as unworthy or beneath their standards. Some people get angry, belligerent, and some are prone to get violence if their political views are disputed.

Political discussions are known to lead to angry words, hard feelings, and may cause divisions in the workplace because people who have similar feeling tend to hang together.

In any setting, talking politics make people uneasy, but in the workplace, with such close contact with fellow employees all day long, politics is not office friendly at all.

Most employees shy away from political discussions anyway, and refuse to get pulled into conversations that are politically sensitive. But talking about what is going on in the world can easily lead to discussing politics and/or political parties.

Co-workers may try to influence your decisions on voting, your political beliefs, and your opinions if politics is discussed.