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Easy Tips for Extreme Cost Cutting

•Drop any phone company services that you don't need (call waiting, caller ID, three-way calling).

•Drop high speed and opt for dial up. There are several companies like Netzero that offer cheap dial up.

•If you homeschool your children, look into state funded virtual academies that provide a computer, Internet access and lessons plans for free.

•Bargain shop. Buy your groceries when they are on sale. Use coupons and frequent stores that double coupons. Buy throw-a-way items like napkins at bargain stores like Big Lots and 99cent Only stores.

•If you have a garden or fruit tree, barter your fruit with your neighbors in exchange for services like babysitting.

•Use public transportation if you can.

•Don't buy it if you can get it for free. Example: Don't buy a cookbook, when you can find thousands of free recipes on the internet.

•Check out books from the public library instead of buying books. Most libraries also allow you to use their computers and interent for free.