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Effective Office Manager

An effective office manager is one who keeps the office running smoothly, managing it's workforce in an harmonious fashion, and making sure that nothing flares up to catch the bosses in what might become an unflattering situation.

10 steps to running a sucessfully office.

•Know what is expected of you and execute it with firm, but fair, effeciency, and learn how and when to use diplomacy to solve office conflict.
•Never become so confident in the way you do things that there is no room for change, but when changes are needed, make them in a well thought out manner.
•Always have a workable plan with many options in case of an emergency or if something unexpected happens.•As the office manager, you should set the tone for the office, from how you communicate and behave to the clothes you wear. Your staff will follow your lead.
•Work with your staff in a professional manner and learn who you can count on if you are away from your desk or out for the day.
•Never show favoritism towards anyone in the office. Sometimes employees will put themselves in your good graces and you, as the office manager, may be lulled into making favorable concessions to them.
•Spread office work around evenly, making sure that no one is overloaded with the hard jobs while others are left with the lighter projects.
•Promote inclusive team building and collaboration by giving every employee a voice in office activity, and always ask those who don't have much to say to voice their opinions. Believe it or not, they may be your best source of ideas and inspiration, and they do have opinions about office policy and the way you do things.
•Inner office networking is imperative. Encourage office staff to work together and share ideas.
•Give positive feedback when it is earned and let your staff know that they are appreciated.
Effective office management starts with a manager who is willing to take all necessary steps to promote workplace harmony. Always remember that, no matter what you do to make your office a great place to work, you won't be able to please everyone. There will always be someone who is not going to be satisfied, but as an office manager, you have to take control and make decisions, even if they are unpopular with that employee.