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The Fair Housing Act

The Federal Fair Housing Act of 1969 was created to provide fair housing throughout the United States, barring all racial, religious, or sexual discrimination, private or public, in the sale or rental of real property.

Designed as a rational means of stating effective policy, the fair housing act implements standards to which Congress has given the highest national priority, giving all citizens the same rights to purchase, inherit, sell, lease, and convey title to real estate and personal property.

Incorporated in it's purpose are provisions to prohibit and remedy such acts of discrimination. It established procedures to provide protection within constitutional limits for fair housing with the intentions of ending unfair and unwanted biases in the housing market.

It is unlawful:

1.To refuse to sell or rent or to refuse to negotiate for the sale or rental of a home or other property based on on an individual's race, color, creed, religion, sex, or national origin.
2.To print, publish, advertise in any way, or make any statement or notice that discriminates based on race, color, sex, religion, or national origin in regards to selling or renting property.
3.To profit or to induce any person to sale or rent property by making representations regarding entry into a neighborhood of a person of a particular race, color, religion, national origin, or sex.
4.To make representations based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin regarding the availability of any property listed for sale or for rent.
5.To discriminate against any person in terms of conditions, privileges, or terms of sale regarding property for sale or for rent.
6.To attempt to lower prices in a neighborhood by spreading rumors that a certain ethnic group is moving into the area.
7.To solicit or induce the sale of property using the increase of crime rates or the decline in the quality of schools based on the assumption that it is caused by individuals of a particular race, color, religion, sex, or national origin moving into a particular neighborhood.
8.To show properties to buyers who are in certain minority groups only property in certain neighborhoods, instead of in neighborhoods that they can afford.
The Federal Fair Housing Act prohibits discriminatory conduct and carries with it a clear message defining such acts and stating that such acts will not be tolerated and will be enforced by local authorities, as well as federal agencies.