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Family Vacation Tips

You've been looking forward to taking a family vacation all year and now it's time to start making preparations. Where you decide to take your family may depend on how much money you plan to spend and how far in advance you start making your plans.

Taking a family on a vacation can be fun and it should start when you find time to plan it. These are some tips to help you plan a successful family vacation, while saving some money and time.

•Make sure your reservations are confirmed. A few phone calls to check your hotel, car, and restaurant reservations will save you a lot of time and stress later on.

•Learn how to pack your suitcase. Instead of packing your blouses, skirts, pants, and shirts the old fashion way, use compression packing bags so you will have more space. Stuffing your socks inside your shoes is another great way to save space in your suitcase.

•Don't forget your camera. Pack your video recorder and camera equipment a day before you leave, and make sure you have enough film and batteries to last you during the whole vacation.

•Dress for the occasion. If you know you are going to an extremely hot or cold location, make sure you have the right clothes to match the weather. Then you won't have to buy new clothes after you get there.

•Plan your destinations. Before you leave for your destination, look on the internet, or go to a local bookstore and get ideas of what you want to do and what attractions you want to visit when you get there.

•Be friendly! Ask for directions and advice. If you get lost on your trip, don't be afraid to ask someone where something is and how to get there. However, don't trust a stranger with your money, credit cards, camera equipment, and other valuables, and don't tell them were you're staying.

•Travel after peak season. This is a great way to save money, especially if you are planning to bring your children. Most hotels are cheaper in the fall, and some resorts have kids-stay-free promotions. Some airlines are also cheaper during off peak seasons.

•Set good behavior standards. If you plan to bring your children along, make sure to tell them that bad behavior is unacceptable. You don't want your children's bad behavior to ruin the flow of your vacation.

•Involve your children. When you are planning a family vacation, ask for your children for their input at the beginning of the process because, if they are involved, they will feel that they contributed something to the vacation and this will put everyone on the same path to making the vacation go smoothly.
The little details are the most important ones, so the best way to have a fun vacation is to plan ahead.