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Feeling Good About Yourself In the Workplace

by Alvaretta Roberts

When you were a child in grade school, do you remember the school nurse who was part of the school faculty? She had her own office, was there from 8 - 2:30, and always had a band-aid and that red stuff to put on your bruised knee or scraped elbow. Do you remember her? Well, she was the one who made you feel good about yourself during those embarrassing moments at school.

So, let’s talk about feeling good about yourself in the workplace. Let’s start with that co-worker who is always a happy go lucky person. Do you think that co-worker does not have problems, issues, or turmoil in their lives? Well, they do, but they make an effort each day to feel good about themselves.

Do you think a plumber does not have leaks in his own home? Well, he does. Do you think a doctor cures himself? No, he doesn’t.

Below is an example of a work week, from Monday to Friday. By the end of the week, I hope you will be feeling good about yourself in the workplace.


Let’s start with the moment you wake up on a Monday morning and realize that it is not Saturday. Do you say “I wish today was Saturday,” or do you say, “today is Monday, what a beautiful day?” Or do you say something in-between like, “once I get through today, I will have only 4 more days to work this week?”

Would you feel better if you had said something like, “I’m going to make this day a great day?” Aren’t you feeling better about yourself already?


Now, it is Tuesday. Wasn’t yesterday a great day because you said you were going to make it a great day? Think about all the things you did, or said, to a co-worker or friend that made you feel good.

It could have been that first “good morning” of the day to someone. It could have been the act of holding the elevator for someone that you knew was running late, or just a nod to someone who rarely speaks. Whatever you said or did yesterday, let’s double that gesture today.


Wednesday. Is it just another day that’s closer to Saturday, or are you going to make this an even greater day than Monday or Tuesday? Sure you are.

Have you ever looked at someone and knew they were having a bad day? We all have. Did you say or do anything to make that person feel better? I hope so. By making that person feel better, didn’t it make you feel better? Of course it did.


It’s Thursday. It’s bright outside, the birds are chirping, and I must go to work. Of course you must go, because it’s only Thursday. It was nice seeing “Shirley" feeling better after we talked yesterday. You’re already feeling better about yourself and you haven’t even reached the workplace.


Wow! We’ve made it to Friday. How time flies when we’re feeling good about ourselves in the workplace?

Have you ever said to yourself, “I’m going to take it easy today because I’m a little tired and it’s almost Saturday?” Well, guess what, the boss is on a rampage, the files you were working on all week have been misplaced, the figures on your spreadsheet are all off, and everyone is demanding your attention. Well, just take a deep breath and say, “it’s going to be a great day!”