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How To Get A Badminton Scholarship

The biggest break badminton could have gotten was NCAA recognition as an Emerging Sport for Women. Badminton is an Olympic sport but in the U.S. college realm it remains a bit of a wallflower. But the good news is that there is a vibrant international badminton scene.

What is Needed to Fuel the Growth of Badminton as an Intercollegiate Sport?
Organizations such as the Intercollegiate Badminton Association push for grassroots club building activities. The only way the NCAA will officially recognize a sport is when enough interest and ground-level competition is actively taking place. This is the necessary fuel.

The IBA lists close to 80 teams at larger colleges and universities, many in the northeast and southeast. It stands to reason that there are many smaller schools with badminton clubs, as well.

Find College Scholarship Money that Puts You on a Badminton Court
If you want to play badminton your winning combination will likely include a solid academic record. Score a good merit scholarship at a school with a competitive badminton team and you have the best of both worlds.

Scholarships for Top NCAA Badminton Players
Top badminton players in the Northeastern states: you may qualify for a badminton scholarship from the USAB Northeast Region. Awards are $1,000. To qualify, you must be among the top 7 players in an NCAA Division 1 or Division 2 varsity squad. If you’ve been disqualified for play for any reason within 1 year prior to application, your application will be rejected.

A letter of recommendation from the student’s coach must be submitted in order for an application to be considered. You can expect tough competition: the USAB Northeast Region is one of the few organizations offering badminton scholarships in the USA.

NCAA Post-Graduate One-Time Scholarships
The NCAA offers one-time scholarships to post-graduate students interested in NCAA College Emerging Sports. The $7,500 award is non-renewable, and in badminton is awarded only to women. All details regarding how to apply and eligibility requirements may be obtained directly from the NCAA.

Olympic Scholarships-Elite Badminton
All athlete members of the USA Badminton Association may apply for the Olympic Scholarship for Athletes. These scholarships are awarded in conjunction with a timeline of preparation for upcoming Olympic events. Award recipients are given financial assistance, an opportunity to train at an Olympic training center, and other appealing perks. Any athlete interested in obtaining one of these scholarships must plan well in advance; they are not awarded annually.

Issues: How NCAA Changes Can Affect Badminton Scholarships
Changes in the NCAA status of badminton as an emerging sport may have been what triggered Arizona State University to drop the Badminton Scholarship it once offered. It was the only school that did offer a scholarship for badminton in the USA for college students.

International Badminton Scholarships
Badminton is hot in the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and India. So, we’ve assembled a short list of some of the best scholarship deals you’ll find outside the U.S. Some awards are through schools; and others are through corporations and charitable or private organizations.

Here’s a tip: If you’re vying to be an elite badminton athlete attending school outside the U.S. may be your best bet.

•In the UK, badminton scholarships are available through Bournemouth University, located just south of London, or the University of Ulster athletic scholarships program in Northern Ireland.
•In Canada, you can check out Black Knight and Badminton BC scholarships or the Colin Hood OFSAA School Sport Award.•In New Zealand and Australia, respectively, look for good badminton scholarships out of the well-known Sir Edmund Hillary Scholarship Programme and the University of New South Wales Sports Scholarship.
•The Indian Oil Sports Scholarship is an Indian based award program that provides financial sponsorship to a limited array of sports, including badminton. Indian Oil is a corporate sponsor.