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How To Get A State Grant In Colorado

Colorado Grants

Colorado Commission on Higher Education
1380 Lawrence Street, Suite 1200
Denver, Colorado 80204
PH: (303) 866-2723

Clan MacBean Foundation Grant Program
441 Wadsworth Boulevard, Suite 213
Denver, Colorado 80226
PH: (303) 233-6002
Eligibility Requirements: Applicant must be enrolled full-time at a four-year or two-year institution or university. Open to men and women of any race, color, creed or nationality. Grant is for course of study or project which reflects direct involvement in the preservation or enhancement of Scottish culture, or an effort that would contribute directly to the improvement of the human family.

GNC Nutrition Research Grant
PO Box 9908
Colorado Springs, CO 80932-0908
PH: (719) 632-6722
Eligibility Requirements: GNC sponsors this nutrition based research grant. The purpose of the project must fall within the mission of the NSCA. Applicant must be enrolled full-time at a four-year institution or university. Grant for use in junior, senior, or graduate years.

National Strength and Conditioning Assiciation Grant
1885 Bob Johnson Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80932-0908
PH:( 719) 632-6722
Eligibility Requirements: Open to undergraduate members to fund research in strength and conditioning that falls within the mission of the NSCA. A faculity member is required to serve as co-investigator in the study. Also considered are grades, courses completed, over all academic achievement, strength and conditioning experience. Amount of grant is $1500.

Colorado Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership and SLEAP.
1380 Lawrence Street, Suite 1200
Denver, CO 80204-2059
PH: (303) 866-2723
Eligibility Requirements: Renewable awards for Colorado residents who are attending Colorado state-supported postsecondary institutions at the undergraduate level. Must document financial need. Grant for use in freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior years.

Wilson Ornithological Society
4512 McMurray Avenue
Ft. Collins, CO 80525-3400
PH: (970) 226-9466
Eligibility Requirements: Grants to support research on birds. Not for college funding. Open to anyone presenting a suitable research proposal.

Aorn Novice Research Grant Program
2170 South Parker Road, Suite 300
Denver, CO 80231-5711
PH: (303) 755-6300
Eligibility Requirements: This program is open to registered or student nurses who wish to complete an idividual project related to perioperative nursing practice. The project may be part of formal education program at the baccalaureate level, such as honors project or senior thesis, or may be a self-initiated study. Students conducting projects as part of educational program must provide a letter of support from their research advisor as part of application.