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How To Get A State Grant In Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Grants

Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency
1200 North 7th Street
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17102
PH: (717) 720-2509

Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency
Veterans Grant
1200 North Seventh Street
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17102
PH: (717) 720-2509
Eligibility requirements: Grants for Pennsylvania residents who are qualified veterans attending approved undergraduate program on a full time or part time basis. Applicant must attend a two year or a four year technical institution, college or university and must have military experience.

Oncology Nursing Foundation
125 Enterprise Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15275-1214
PH: (412) 859-6100
Eligibility Requirements: For registered nurses seeking further training or to engage in research. Various programs range from bachelors degree level through postmasters and career development. Also honors and awards for oncology nurses who have contributed to professional literature and excellence in their field.

Philadelpha Biblical University Grant
200 Manor Ave
Langhorn, PA 19047
PH: (800) 366-0049
Eligibility Requirements: Academic and need-based grants, based on FASFA, for full-time students, and needy depedents of full-time Christian workers, and those exhibiting excellence in the field of music. Awards based on GPA and SAT/ACT awards.

Educational Gratuity Program
Building 0-47
Fort Indiantown Gap
Annville, PA 17003-5002
PH: (717) 861-8910
Eligibility Requirements: This program is for eligible dependents of 100% disabled or deceased veteran whose disability was incurred during a period og war or aremed conflict. Must be a Pennsylvania resident attending a Pennsylvania two-year or four-year college, university, or technical institution. Up to $500 per semester may be rewarded. Grant used for freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior years and is renewable with varying amounts.

Society For The Scientific Study Of Sexuality
P.O. BOX 416
Allentown, PA 18105
PH: (610) 530-2483
Eligibility Requirements: Open to students diong research in the area pf human sexuality. Must be enrolled in a degree-granting program at an accredited college, university, or technical institution.

J. Wood Platt Caddie Scholarship Trust
P.O. BOX 808
Southeastern, PA 19399-0808
PH: (610) 687-2340
Eligibility Requirements: Open to high school seniors and undergraduate students who have served as a caddie at a Golf Association of Philidelphia member club. Must demonstrate financial need and have the capability to sucessfully complete undergraduate degree. Recipients must continue to caddy while receiving grants from the scholarship.