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How To Get A State Grant In Texas

Texas Grants

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
P.O. Box 12788
1200 East Anderson Lane
Austin, Texas 78711
PH: (512) 427-6101

Texas Department of Transportation
Conditional Grant Program
125 W. 11th Street
Austin, Texas 78701-2483
PH: (512) 416-4979
Eligibility Requirements: Applicant must be a Texas resident
studying in Texas. This grant provides female minorities financial education assistance for approved degree plans. It is renewable for freshman, sophomore, junior and senior years. Applicant must
be African American, Native American, Hispanic, Eskimo or Asian American with a GPA of 2.5 or higher.

Gre and Graduate Applications Waiver
711 West Bay Area Boulevard, Suite 206
Webster, TX 77598-4051
PH: (281) 557-3677
Eligibility Requirements: Grant serves as a fee waiver for the cost of testing for and applying to graduate school. Must be Mexican- American and a member of the Society of Mexican-American Engineers and Scientist, Inc. Minimum GPA of 2.75 required. Applicants must be enrolled full or part-time at an institution or university.

Bat Conservation International Student Scholarship Program
PO Box 162603
Austin, TX 78716-2603
PH: (512) 327-9721
Eligibility Requirements: Applicant must be enrolled full-time at a four-year institution or university. The goal of this program is to support student research that will answer ecological or behavioral questions essential to bat conservation. Grant for use in senior, or graduate years.

Robert Schreck Memorial Fund
PO Drawer 140
El Paso, TX 79980
PH:(915) 546-6515
Eligibility Requirements: Grants to undergraduate juniors or seniors or graduate students who have been residents of El Paso county for at least 2 years. Must be U.S. citizen or legal resident and must have a high grade point average. Amount of grant is between $500.00 and $1500.00.

Texas A&M University
Division of Student Affairs
College Station, TX 77843-1252
PH: (979) 854-3236
Eligibility Requirements: For high school seniors who will be attending Texas A&M. Based on academic criteria and combinations of financial need, community activities, leadership, positions, and work experience. Some are for minorities, cadets, and Texas high school class valedictorians.

Ottis Lock Research Grant
P.O. BOX 6223
Nacogdoches, TX 75962-6223
PH: (936) 468-2407
Eligibility Requirements: Applicants may be for research of any aspect of east Texas history; they must include the name and address of the researcher, the purpose for which the funds would be spent, a general statement of anticipated benifit and the uses of the completed research, and a complete budget.