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How To Get A State Grant In Utah

Utah Grants

Utah System of Higher Education
60 South 400 West
Salt Lake City, Utah 84101
PH: (801) 321-7101

Sterling Scholar Awards of Utah
30 East 100 South, Suite 400
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
PH: (801) 237-2900
Eligibility Requirements: Open to graduating seniors at high schools in Utah. Candidates must be nominated by their principal in 1 of the following categories: English, mathmatics, social sciences, science, foreign language, computer technology, trade and technical education, family and consumer sciences, business and marketing, speech and drama, visual arts, music, and dance. This grant is to provide financial assistance for college to outstanding high school seniors in Utah.

Utah Centennial Opportunity Program for Education
60 South 400 West
Salt Lake City, UT 84101-1284
PH: (801) 321-7294
Eligibility Requirements: Open to students at participating colleges in Utah. Applicants must show financila need. They must be willing to accept a work-study assignment, school assistance jobs and community jobs. This grant is to provide financial assistance and work study to students at designated Utah institutions. Applicant must be enrolling full-time at a four-year institution or university.

Utah Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership Program
60 South 400 West
Salt Lake City, UT 84101-1284
PH: (801) 321-7294
Eligibility Requirements: Open to students at participating colleges in Utah. The participating colleges are: College of Eastern Utah, Dixie State College, Salt Lake City College, Snow College, Southern Utah University, University of Utah, Utah Valley State College, Webber University and Westminster College. This award is to provide financial assistance for college to students in Utah with financial need.

STT Gamma Rho Research Grants
10 South 2000 East
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
PH: ( 801) 581-7728
Eligibility Requirements: The purpose of a Sigma Theta Tau Gammo Rho grant for research support specific research projects by faculty members or graduate students. These funds can be matched or augment other sources of support. The award must include a timeframe for completion. All faculty who are STT members are eligible to apply for a research grant.

Professional Development Grant
255 Central Campus Drive, RM 2328
Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0492
PH: (801) 581-8047
Eligibility Requirements: The grant is awarded competitevly to Linguistics Graduate Students to their scholarly participation in professional conferences/conventions. This grant provides students for the purpose of defraying the expenses of presenting a paper at such meeting. Note the recipients of this grant must also apply to the school for matching funds. Applicants should submit a curriculum Vitae, a travel budget, one letter of reference, and a Department of Linguistics Application form.