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How to Handle People with Tact and Skill

"Handling people with tact and skill is a skill."
by Alvaretta Roberts
We work, live, and spend our time with people of all walks of life. We are surrounded by a universe that holds many different nationalities, beliefs, and ideas.

Our lives are our choices. We can control our thoughts, our actions, our decisions and our outlook. We cannot control anything outside of ourselves.

Handling people with tact and skill, is a skill. It is a skill that we're taught or we learn from personal experiences. Handling people with tact and skill involves choices that we put into effect on issues that are placed before us that need to be addressed and listened to.

Below is a list of choices that we can make:

Conflict choices:

•Strive to improve the relationship
•End the relationship
•Suffer without a solution
•Ignore or forget the conflict
Body Language:

•What are you saying by your body language?
•Sit down rather than stand over someone.
•Do not stare, but make eye contact.
•Stay out of a persons personal space. Give people at least two feet of space.
Resolve conflict:

•Focus on the future and never use "should"
•Tell it like you see it
•Put it all on the table
•Minimize threatening behavior
Successful confronting tips:

•Use "I" messages
•Use direct and honest statements
•Focus on the behavior rather than the person
•Avoid over apologizing and over explaining
Handling people with tact and skill is a reflection on how we handle ourselves. We have choices. We can make choices that can ultimately lead to a better understanding of the situation at hand. We have the ability to walk away or stand our ground. We are the the solution to the conflict.