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How To Save Gas

Since we are creatures of habit, and driving is just as much a habit as it is a necessity, it is extremely difficult for us to leave our cars in the garage and get where we want, or need, to go by other means.

But now that gas has become so expensive, we may be forced to rethink the way we have to get where we are going and make changes to our driving habits.

For instance, and you hear this all the time, when you go to work, take public transportation, ride a bicycle, motor cycle, or carpool. That is easy enough, but most of can't seem to leave our cars behind.

We claim to have other places to go before going to work, or after work, so we need our cars. Some of us had rather spend our commute time alone, so we can listen to our own music or relax in our own space, so carpooling or public transportation are not options.

So what are some of the other options?

•If you have a smaller car, use it to go to work and to run multiple errands.
•If you have young children in day care or preschool, pick a location that is near your home or on your way to your job.
•Pay bills online and do as much of your shopping online as possible.
•If you can work from your home, set it up with your employer.
•If you have to drive to work every day, schedule regular oil changes and keep your tires properly inflated.
•Remove all unnecessary items from inside your car and your trunk. The more weight in your car, the more gas it burns.
•Drive slower and at an even pace.
•The use of the cruise control when on the open highway saves gas by keeping the car at a steady speed.
•Use your air conditioner as little as possible.
•Check your local newspaper for gas stations with the lowest prices.
•Spend your evenings, weekends, and holidays on projects that will keep you at home.
•Walk whenever possible.
As a nation of consumers, we must find ways to develop and promote the use of alternative energy such as wind, water, solar, biodiesel, geothermal, ethanol, nuclear power, and other sources, and we must cut down on our personal use of and dependence on fossil fuels.

Note: Beware of buying so-called gas saving products. Many have been found to be ineffective in saving gas and that means extra, uneccessary, money out of your pocket.