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Leading By Example

Walk-around, hands-on management with leading by example is a powerful management tool. Remember, actions mean more than words and those and those actions speak louder than those words could ever sound.

To lead associates to a business unit's success path, you must first be given the permission of those associates to be their leader. To gain this acceptance and trust, their is no quicker, solid platform than by walking around, being in the associates' "lion's den," seeing what challenges they face, and "rolling up your sleeves" to help them through those challanges.

Leading an associate through a situation, with the correct standard operating procedure (S.O.P.) for that action, reinforces that you "practice what you preach," and you would not ask them to do an action that you would not be willing to do yourself. You have a built-in, universal language to speak and demonstrate your expectation levels for those tasks, when you lead by example.

Once you can demonstrate to your associates that you wald around to see what is really happening and can do, not say, actions by being hands-on, leadership platforms for directing associates can be built and allowed to grow, because your associates are permitting themselves to be led and directed by you.

Go be a leader with walk-around, hands-on management. Forget sending a memo to the associates on how to do it; show them yourself!