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Money-Saving Tips: Grocery Shopping

•Use coupons. Be careful to use coupons only for items you will truly use.

•Shop at discount stores like 99¢ Only stores and Big Lots! for single use items like paper-plates, napkins and cups.

•Buy non-perishable items like soap and detergent in bulk.

•Get a membership at Warehouse stores like Costco and Sam's club. Ask your neighbor or a friend to share the membership with you.

•Buy items that are on sale (but only items that you will truly use).

•Eat a meal or snack before you go grocery shopping. If you go to the store hungry, you are more likely to overspend and buy things you don't need (or want).

•If you have children, try not to take them to the grocery store. Children will ask (and may beg) for several items through your shopping trip.

•Make a grocery list before you leave your home. Check your cabinets to see what you have so you won't buy something you already have.

•Save big by buying items that you have coupons for that are also on sale.

•Buy generic brands (especially for items like sugar, salt and flour which usually taste the same no matter what brand you buy).

•Ask for a rain check if the store is out of a sale priced item.

•Check to see if your grocery store has a special program. Some grocery stores have 'club cards' and discounts for people who are older than 65 years of age.

•Look at items that are placed below eye level. Bargain priced items are often shelved below eye level and out of your immediate view.

•Do not buy precut produce. Precut produce, such as salads in a bag, and prepared melons are much more costly than the whole vegetables or fruits.