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The Possible Affects Of Global Warming On Coastal Properties

If global warming happens the way some scientists and politicians predict, we could see drastic changes in the way we live and where we live. Even if you don't believe in global warming, it may still be wise to take certain precautions.

If global warming does take place, as the earth heats up and ocean levels rise, waterfront real estate in places like Florida, New York City, Baltimore, Los Angeles, San Diego, New Orleans, Houston, and the rest of the gulf coast region could find itself in serious trouble.

The affects would be felt, not just along the oceans but also up river in places like St. Louis, Memphis, Philadelphia, Washington, DC, Chicago, Sacramento, Pittsburgh, and other river cities. If the oceans rise, the outflow of water from rivers may cease and the back up could swamp inland areas as well.

It's not just real estate prices that would suffer. A rise in coastal water levels of only a couple of feet or more could affect the lifestyles of people everywhere. Over time, the economic affects would be be felt worldwide and the devastation could be more immense than you could ever imagine.

One of the real affects would be the dislocation of millions of people, not just in cities but in rural areas, too. Millions of acres of farm land, pastures, and ranches would become flooded causing hunger, disease, and many deaths.

This is a worse case scenario, but as the past has proven, the world changes and the control switch is not in our hands.

Global warming may or may not happen but it is worth the time and effort to study what might happen if it does. Those politicians and businessmen who think they know what the future holds and say that global warming is just a figment of the imagination may be right. But what if they are wrong?