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Questions About Automobile Insurance

It may be wise to ask your insurance agent exactly what his company's insurance policies cover because each company is different and offer different standards of service.

You should also read and understand your policy to make sure that you are getting the coverage that you feel you want and need.

Questions to ask:

Do you offer discounts on your insurance policies?

Before settling for an insurance policy, ask your agent about discounts. Most automobile insurance companies offer some type of discount plan.

What can you offer me as far as deductibles on comprehension and collision coverage?

Higher deductibles on comprehensive and collision coverage should lower your insurance rates, but in case of an accident, you are responsible for paying whatever the deductible is, up front, before the insurance company pays for any repairs. Also, the cost of the repairs may, in some cases, be less than the deductible.

Are you going to place my policy with another company and if so, what are the broker's fees?

If your agent is going to place your policy with another company, ask about broker's fees. Brokers fees should be disclosed up front and put in writing. Broker's fees may not be refunded if the policy is canceled.

Does your company offer installment plan and is there a finance charge?

Many insurance companies offer their own installment plans. You may want to know if there is a finance charge or a servicing fee.

Will this policy cover other drivers?

Find out if your policy covers other licensed drivers. Most do, but some may have stipulations that prohibit certain drivers from operating your vehicle or may place some other restrictions on them.

If I file a claim, how long will it take to get some sort of response to it?

Some automobile insurance companies take longer to process claims than others.