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Questions And Answers About Homeowners Insurance

Question: What is homeowners insurance?

Answer: A homeowners policy of insurance protects your home, family, and your possessions against events that may occur that could cause a negative impact against the property.

Question: What does the homeowners insurance policy cover?

Answer: What the policy covers is spelled out in writing by the insurer. It protects the homeowner against such events as fire and smoke damage, theft, vandalism, wind, rain, hail, and bodily injuries that may occur on and or to the property.

Question: Will it cover natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, and landslides?

Answer: Most homeowner policies do not provide coverage against such events as earthquakes, landslides, hurricanes, tornadoes, tidal waves, avalanches, and other natural disasters.

Question: Can I buy additional insurance to cover my property against these events?

Answer: Yes, you can elect to buy additional coverage for protection against these events. It would be wise to do so, especially if you live in areas that are prone to having earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, flash floods, etc.

Question: Will additional coverage be offered at the time I purchase my insurance or do I have to go to another source?

Answer: Your insurance agent should offer these options to you when he writes your policy for homeowners coverage, but if the agent does not, then you should bring the subject up yourself.

Question: If someone other than a family member gets hurt on my property, will my homeowners policy cover the medical bills?

Your policy should include a liability clause and medical payment coverage.

You should read your policy carefully and make sure that everything you desire in coverage is explicitly stated in writing.