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Save money and Stock Up On Hurricane Supplies Now

Don’t wait until a storm is approaching to get batteries, flashlights, nonperishable food and other things you’ll need if the power goes out. Start now. It will be a lot easier and cheaper if you shop for supplies early rather than getting caught up in the last-minute rush at the stores.

You will need some basic supplies just to survive during and after a storm, and depending on the severity of the storm, you may need supplies that will last for several days.

After a hurricane, you could be housebound for as much as a week or longer, probably with no electricity. Water may be off or contaminated. Stores may be closed. Gas stations may not be in operation. Restaurants may not be open.

If you have to evacuate, you will need some basic supplies, since an evacuation more than likely will mean spending hours in the car and nights away from home.

Some of the supplies you may need include flashlights and extra batteries; hurricane lamps or lanterns (avoid candles); a portable radio and extra batteries; first-aid kit; insect repellent; matches; ice chest; disposable cups, plates and utensils; disposable towelettes; and prescription medications.

You should have at least a three-day supply of food and water for each person. That means at least 2 quarts of water – a gallon is preferable – per person each day. Choose foods that require little or no cooking and no refrigeration, and buy them in sizes appropriate for one meal with no leftovers. Keep a stash of low-volume, high-energy foods, such as granola bars, raisins and peanut butter, on hand. Make sure you have a manual can opener to open canned goods.

You should also consider any special dietary needs and to be sure to have items such as baby food and diapers on hand, if you need them. Don’t forget about your pets, they will also need to be fed and to have water.

Camp stoves or barbecue grills are important to help with cooking. Be sure to have enough fuel on hand. Never use camp stoves and barbecue grills indoors.

Much of the damage and loss of life associated with hurricanes can be prevented or reduced by planning, preparation and evacuation.