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Saving Money On Utility Bills

When you combine them, monthly utility bills add up to be the most expensive expenditure of your hard earned money and if your home or apartment isn't winter proofed and energy efficient, it amounts to throwing your money away.

Most people don't think about winter proofing their homes until they start getting utility bills that are double or triple the amounts they would normally pay. The long, cold, winter months can prove to be devastating to your pocketbook, but if you take the time to look around your home, locate and fix areas that are in need of repair or upgrading, you will immediately notice a difference.

The cost to insulate and make necessary repairs and adjustment to your property may seem expensive at first, but the savings in the long run will add up to much more than the initial costs to do the work. You may be surprised to find most upgrades to be so inexpensive that you will wonder why you haven't done them sooner.

Most of the upgrades are things that you can do yourself, like changing your regular light bulbs to the more energy saving compact fluorescent bulbs which, by the way, are going to be the standard in the next few years. You can find the new fluorescent bulbs in most stores today on sale or offered with rebates.

Calking around windows and doors with silicone sealants provides air tight seals that prevent cold air from coming into your home from the outside during winter months and prevents warm air from escaping, thereby saving you money on your gas and heating costs.

The biggest energy loser in your home may be your hot water heater, especially if it on the outside or in the basement. Water heaters use almost a third of the energy in most homes. By insulating your hot water heater by wrapping it with a water heater blanket, you save money and energy.

When washing clothes, make sure that the temperature setting is on warm and always wash full loads. Many detergents today are made for cold or warm water usage thereby eliminating the need for hot water washes, even for white clothes.

Electronic thermostats save energy by regulating the amount of heat it takes to warm a home or an apartment by turning the heat on only when the the temperature drops below a certain setting.

When washing dishes in the kitchen sink, don't fill the sink all the way up with hot water initially. You can start the dishwashing process by filling the sink about a quarter of the way and rinsing the dishes over the sink that the dirty dishes are in. By the time you've finish washing the dishes, you will have a sink full of water by which you've washed and rinsed your dishes with the same water.

Install shower heads that are low flow and energy efficient. They are very inexpensive and they can save up to nearly 40% of hot water usage thereby cutting your energy bill dramatically.

One of the most underrated modes of saving energy is the old fashioned sweater. Many people don't like the idea of sitting around the house in heavy clothing, but it works against the cold, and it help to keep you warm, thereby saving you money.

With the prices of natural gas and electricity going up every year, it is prudent for everyone to start conserving and recycling.