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Saving Pocket Change

Saving pocket change is never talked about as one of the ways to save money, but it is. Over a long period of time, pocket change can make a recognizable difference in your savings.

Starting today, if you take the change from your pockets, a quarter, 2 dimes, a nickel, and 5 pennies, and put it in a piggy bank, a large water bottle, or a jar, at the end of a 365 day period (1 year) you will have saved ($200.75) Two Hundred Dollars and Seventy Five Cents.

Change can be found almost everywhere. Women carry loose change in their handbags, you can find it at work in your desk drawers, between cushions in the sofa, old clothes, pants pockets, and jackets, and in the car.

You will be given dimes, nickels, and quarters as change almost every time you pay for something. Don't forget the pennies because they add up, too.

You can save pocket change every day, without giving it a lot of thought, and it can be done no matter what condition the economy might be in.