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Selling Real Estate

Selling real estate in today's market can be very rewarding and exciting, to say the least.

Due to low interest rates and with banks making it easier for buyers to qualify, real estate sales have increased dramatically over the past few years as prices in some areas have doubled and, in some cases, tripled in value.

Selling property has become lucrative even for the average person who is not buying and selling property as a business.

Most people who already own property bought it to live in. Many of them are reaping the benefits of selling their home in today's real estate market and buying bigger and nicer homes.

If you are planning on selling your property, here are some basic steps you should take to get it sold in a timely manner.

First of all, find a realtor that you can trust and one who is not to busy to call you back when you need answers.

If you have to call another realtor to ask questions when the realtor you are paying does not respond to your calls, you have the wrong agent.

Be informed about the market values in your neighborhood. Ask questions regarding recent sales.

A realtor can get comparable's sales of your home within minutes and research your neighborhood and do a market analysis based on the information he has gathered.

Be aware that an appraiser is going to use recent sales of homes in your immediate neighborhood to make a reasonable estimation of value so even if you overprice your property and a buyers makes an offer at the price you are trying to get, it may not appraise for that amount.

Before putting your home on the market, make sure it is marketable.

Keep the outside of your property clean and make sure the flower beds are groomed and trees are trimmed to perfection.

Curb appeal is one of the best selling points of a home because the first impression is a lasting impression.

New paint and new carpet makes a property look like new and a clean kitchen and bathrooms are a must.

If you have a pool, make sure it is clean and the water is crystal clear.

Keep all rooms free of clutter and a nice subtle fragrance will do wonders for your property.

Some buyers may not look to purchase a home until certain times of the year but a home will sell any time if the conditions are right and the home is nice.

Although home warranty plans have been around for years, unless a buyer is told, he may not know about them. A home warranty plan is a good selling tool for both new and older homes.

Normally, your realtor will suggest the escrow company and other services he wants to use because he is familiar with it, but that decision can be negotiated between the buyer and the seller. Most buyers will generally go along with the seller's decision.

Even though most brokers charge six percent commissions for their services, the commission is a negotiable item between the seller and the broker.

A "For Sale" sign and the "Multiple Listing Service" of his Board of Realtor's are the best marketing tools that a realtor has at his disposal.

"Open Houses" are also good for marketing property along with flyers and newspaper ads.