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“Take ACTION!"

The Key Skills for Future Career Success

Success comes to those who act: To ensure success in the office of the future, we, as employees, need to focus on developing six key abilities, represented by the acronym “ACTION”

Analysis: This skill is based on the 3-C thinking; Critical, Creative, and Connective.

•Critical thinking involves evaluating information and making recommendations based on an understanding of the company’s strategic objectives.
•Creative thinking means developing innovative solutions to problems and challenges.
•Connective thinking enables employees to perceive the links among people, data and ideas, then use these ties to work more effectively.
Collaboration: Employees must be able to quickly establish a rapport and facilitate team building.

•Sensitivity and responsiveness to diverse work styles and personalities are needed.
•Professional networking is imperative.
Technical Aptitude: This skill involves a willingness to adopt new technology and to research the best technological solutions for an organization.

Intuition: A well-tuned intuition will proactively identify the best ways to provide support based on the goals and processes of the company or organization.

Ongoing Education: Utilizing every opportunity to expand your knowledge by actively seeking sources of information.

Negotiations: This skill involves using tact, diplomacy, empathy, and business savvy to engage in productive discussions with vendors and employees that result in positive outcomes.

To summarize these key steps: We as employees have already taken these steps to become successful employees. Curtailing our goals and objectives to these steps would only enhance our ability to become the best in our perspective fields.