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Tools for Mystery Shoppers

Training Materials

Some people think that becoming a mystery shopper is easy and doesn't require any work or any special skills. This couldn't be further from the truth. When reading training materials or speaking with a provider over the phone, take note on the information they are giving you. They are professionals in the industry and they know the ins and outs of mystery shopping better than almost anyone.

The advice and information they give you during training periods or the materials they give you have information that will help you be the best shopper you can be.

Conferences and Certifications

Many people are wary of paying for events that offer training skills and information to mystery shoppers because of the scams that exist in these areas. However, some Mystery Shopping Providers work with thousands of businesses worldwide and are well known in the industry. Many of these businesses offer training courses, conferences and other venues to help you become a better shopper. These conferences for example are a great place to network with businesses and other shoppers. They are also excellent places to learn new skills such as how to use equipment such as video and audio equipment that might ultimately land you a more complex and higher paying job as a shopper.

Additionally being certified under certain providers means you carry the name of a well known company in the industry with you to your jobs. You are often times more likely to be hired for jobs if businesses know you were certified with a certain provider. If you are well researched and do your homework you won't get caught up in mystery shopping scams but instead will enjoy advancing yourself into the industry.