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Ways To Save Energy

There are many ways to save money on your home and office heating and cooling costs that are simple and inexpensive. You can make minor repairs or adjustments, and install devices that may not appear to make that much of a difference immediately, but over time, the savings will add up.

Some things you can do are as simple as turning off lights when you leave a room, or closing windows when you are running your air conditioning unit or the heating system.

If you are heating your home and the window in the bathroom is open, you lose heat and waste energy. And the same is true when you run your air conditioning unit and doors or windows in the house are open. Also, close doors and vents to all rooms in the home or office that are not being used.

Heat and air will escape if there are cracks anywhere in the house, especially around doors, windows, and sun roofs. All cracks should be caulked and sealed with weatherproof stripping, paying attention to gaps around the bottom of exterior doors and thresholds.

Attics, walls, floors, and basements should be insulated with materials that meet approved industry standards. Substandard materials may not prevent damage from the cold, heat, wind, snow, and rain, which may cause warping, deterioration, water damage, and dry rot.

With heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, time clocks or programmable thermostats should be installed to maintain a higher degree of efficiency and the control of use.

Install ceiling fans whenever possible because they are more energy efficient than air conditioning units. Solar screens, reflective window film, and blinds can also be installed to help keep the heat out during the summer months.

Replace or adjust pilots and burners, check heat and air vents, clean gas appliances, replace furnace filters, and check for rust, corrosion, and obstructions in pipes and other critical systems.

Shades and blinds can be opened at strategic times during the day to either help warm or cool a home or office. In the summer, shades and blinds should be closed in the early morning and late evening hours to reduce interior heat entry. During winter months, they should be opened on warm sunny days to keep the heat from escaping.

Replace standard light bulbs with fluorescent light, remove or turn off all unnecessary lighting fixtures, especially fixtures that are used only as decorative devices. All lights generate heat and use electricity, so turn them off during, especially during hot summer days.

Use electrical surge protection devices and electrical power saving devices in the home and at the office. These devices can store and regulate power usage and prevent electrical surges that can waste electricity. Install motion sensitive lighting devices in areas that are not used on a regular basis if lighting is required for safety and/or security reasons.