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Workplace Injuries

An injury can happen at any place, at any time, under any circumstance. On the job injuries happen more frequently than you might think. There are millions of people working around the clock, doing jobs that may, or may not, be inherently dangerous.

Injuries are usually avoidable, but some take place due to negligence, and some are caused on purpose, not necessarily maliciously, but because, at times, people do things that they think won't cause injuries to others, and then it does.

Where many incidents of injury in the workplace occur, and the severity of those injuries, may surprise you.

Some workplaces are inherently dangerous and safety training is mandatory as part of a company's' workplace policy, and as a rule, is a major part of accident and injury prevention. But many accidents take place in what most people think of as the safest places to work. That is in an office setting.

Office injuries are commonplace, ranging from cuts and bruises, strains and sprains, broken bones, and even more serious injuries that may cause death. An office may be as dangerous as any other work environment because of the relaxed atmosphere, the close proximity of office equipment, slippery floors, the lifting of boxes of paper and other weighty objects, human contact, and stress.

Every year, thousands of office workers are injured, stressed out, or become sick due to hazardous materials and other elements in office environments.

Many workplace injuries are permanent and weigh heavily on the minds, and pocketbooks, of the injured and their families. Workers' Compensation Laws were enacted by the U.S. Department of Labor to give protection to injured workers and their families.

All states adhere to federal workers' compensation laws, but not everyone is covered, and individual states regulate how the laws are interpreted and applied within their borders.

Workers' Compensation laws require employers to provide it's employees with disability insurance coverage, and whether the injury is minor, or major, the injured workers can be compensated for lost wages and the cost of medical expenses.

If you are injured on the job, no matter how minor the injury, you should notify your employer immediately. Sometimes an injury may not seem worth reporting at first, but the real effects may not come until much later. It is better to be safe, than sorry.

There may be a limit on the time required for the reporting of injuries and you may find yourself in a quandary when trying to explain why the injury was not reported the day it happened.

If your employer does not acknowledge your notification that you are injured, you should immediately contact your states' workers' compensation office, or seek the advice of an attorney.